
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Clearly Obsessed With Stripes!

I hope everyone had an awesome Memorial Day weekend!! I know I did!! It was a little chilly on a few of the days, but we got some boating and lake time in! I even got some tan lines, or shall I say burn lines. Oops. I continued the Memorial Day week with some red, white, and blue today. I got soooo many compliments on my outfit today. :) I have been wearing a lot of stripes lately...I think I'm a little obsessed. Ha. It was a great day.

Silver Anchor Necklace from Forever 21 (few years ago) similar to this for $2.95!!
Striped Blouse from Tommy Hilfiger Outlet on sale for $24.99!!
Red Capri Pants from Tommy Hilfiger Outlet on Sale for $33!
Silver Sandals from Guess Outlet (few years ago) similar to these for $32.99.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for my first graders. I have a bunch of fun things planned, including these cute presents I got for them (beach balls). I'm planning on having them all sign each other's beach balls, kind of like a year book. It will be so fun for them. I'm going to miss this ornery class, that I've been blessed to have for the past month. I'm a little attached.

"You've worked hard this year... Have a BALL this summer!"


  1. Love the striped outfit! No wonder you got so many compliments :) such a cute idea with the beach ball!

    1. Hey, did you see the email I sent you about the collaboration? I'm wondering if I typed your email wrong... Let me know :)

    2. No I didn't get it. My email is

  2. I have been obsessed with stripes too! I'm trying to settle down and not buy so much of it :p Your boyfriend and you look so cute and I adore the pic of your mom and you! Glad to see you had a wonderful memorial day :) xoxo

    1. Thanks! I saw you had a great weekend too!! Your pictures were gorgeous!

  3. what a cute outfit! and i love that necklace!!!

  4. Aw that is such a cute and thoughtful gift! They must love having you as a teacher! Sounds like you had a great weekend. I am glad you did :) And you really rock stripes so I can see why you love them :P xo

    1. Thank you! I keep buying stripes so I must like how they look! Haha! They loved the beach balls!

  5. Love all of your outfits and the stories that go with them. I wished I would've done the beach ball idea! Where did you get all the beach balls?

  6. Your American Red, White + Blue Outfit is so Pretty, Chic & Perfect for the occasion. When I think of Tommy Hilfiger, I definitely think of those Colors. I like the little Nautical feel added with the Pretty Long Necklace. =)

    And I love the idea of the Beach Balls. Have a Great Weekend, Amy. =)
