
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Crochet Love

Well hello everyone!!!!!! It's been a crazy two months!!!! I feel like everything exciting that could happen, did!!! It's been busy, but so exciting and so fun!!!

First of all, I'm in love with all tops that have crochet details!!!! Just like this one!! I also wore one for Colin and I's engagement pictures, which is one thing that has happened in the past two months. I will post them as soon as I get to see them!!! I can hardly wait!!! Can you believe the weather this past week? It was in the 70s in Ohio, which is crazy for this time of year. It was so beautiful and nice!

Heather Gray Crochet Detail Top from TJ Maxx similar to this for $17.90.
Turquoise Tassle Necklace from Meijer similar to this for $13.60.
Black Pants from TJ Maxx similar to these for $19.90.
White Flats from Payless for $5!!!!!

Here is what has been going on the past couple of months!!!

 My soon-to-be sister in law got married!!!! She was stunning!!!!

The first wedding we were able to be in together. Next time we walk down the aisle it will be our wedding!!!!! 

 Celebrated my best friend and her baby girl at her baby shower!!! Can't wait to meet sweet Lily!!!
Reunited with my best friends at Angie's baby shower! :)

I was a Ninja Turtle in a tutu for Halloween!!! I actually made my tutu using tulle and ribbon! So simple!!!

We bought a house!!!!! We haven't officially moved in yet because we are fixing things up and painting a lot! It's so fun and exhausting, but we know it will be worth it!!

We added a new member to our little family!!! His name is Cooper and he's the sweetest thing!!!

Now you are updated on my life and what has been going on!!! I told you I've been SUPER busy!!! 
Ready or not, here the holidays come!!! Ha!!!

So many exciting things happening! I LOVE my crazy and exhausting life right now!!!!
Have a wonderful week everyone!!! :)


  1. congrats on buying a house.

  2. Congratulations on your house and new puppy! How exciting! I'll be in Findlay this weekend; going to the Mazza Museum's fall conference.

  3. It looks like a very exciting two months, glad things are going so well!

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