
Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

No school today, so I'm catching you all up on my wonderful weekend! At the end of last week, I read the story "Martin's Big Words" to my students (It's one of my favorites!!). Then, I had them write about dreams they may have for themselves, for the future, or for the world. Some of my students got pretty creative. For example, "I have a dream, that everything would be pink even my skin. Hot-dogs would be pink too." Haha!! Another student said, "I have a dream that things will cost less money in the future (spelled fuchuer)." <-- Amen to that! 

On Friday night, I went ice-skating with Wally and two other couples! I haven't been ice-skating in 6 years, so I was pretty rusty. I'm glad to say I never fell (thank goodness)!

On Saturday, I went to a casual dinner with my parents. This is what I wore:

 Black scarf from Forever 21 similar to this for $10.
Red, white, and navy plaid button down from TJ Maxx similar to this for $19.80.
Cream Sweater from Old Navy similar to this one for $15.
Forever 21 skinny jeans similar to these for $7.80.
Knit Legwarmers (Christmas gift) similar to these for $10.
Navy Bamboo Rain/snow boots from Ebay same ones here for $39.

How beautiful is this arm candy Wally gave me on Friday, just because. He's so sweet!

On Sunday, Wally's family had a fish fry. His dad puts on the best fish fry's. Wally, his dad, and his uncle catch all the fish in Lake Erie and they catch enough to have fish fry's all year long. YUM! It was delicious!

Have a great day everyone!!!


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! Love your dinner outfit!

  2. I love your students' writing! So great! What grade do you teach? I love that book, too. Oh yeah, Lake Erie fish! We live in the lake area and I grew up here, and that is all you see in the summer. My cousins have boats and catch fish all summer long. Where did you go skating? My daughter wants to go for her 16th birthday which is this week. We go to Elyria's skating rink. Enjoy your week and the cold temperatures that are on the way!

  3. All things pink would sound great to my daughter too!! Funny! I love your red coat! I am thinking of getting rid of several of my coats after the season - they are looking worn!! Love the arm candy!! Good boyfriend! Susan

  4. What adorable bracelets your wonderful boyfriend picked out for you! He knows you too well (Sailer gal!) and the dreams your students have are so funny :) Your handbag in your outfit is pretty! where is it from?
